Afterhours - Dizzy Lyrics

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Artist: Afterhours
Song Title: Dizzy
Visits: 918
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we ran,
we starve the things that feel.
out back
the drunken waters steal from me.

if we beat him down will he stay?
he's a little dizzy
and i feel it starting to take me
where did everybody go?
I need them now to save me.

we fell
when they choked the things that feed
how come
we hurt the ones we need?

lie down and stretch upon the sea.

if we beat him down will he stay?
he's a little dizzy.
and I feel it starting to take me
where did everybody go?
I need them now
if we beat him down will he stay?

if we beat him down will he stay?
he's a little dizzy.
and I feel it starting to take me
where did everybody go?
I need them now to save...
if we beat him down

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