Against All Authority - I Think You Think Too Much Lyrics

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Artist: Against All Authority
Against All Authority Author
Album: 24 Hour Roadside Resistance (2000)
Against All Authority - 24 Hour Roadside Resistance Album
Song Title: I Think You Think Too Much
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 810
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Don't know I'm watching you and every move you make
I know what you do and everything you say
I hear loud and clear and there wont be no escape
For those of you who won't cooperate
So don't stand in our way, obey
Or you'll be taken away
and you will soon be forgotten
mind and body rottin'
and you'll pay for what you do and say
I think you think too much- you think too much
We're watching you
And everything you do and say will come back some day
Just look at this fucking mess you made
Choose carefully the words you wish to speak
Confiscated my zines and my lyric sheets
Detained 8 hours, It was looking bleak
They called the dogs, they called us thieves
We stood and watched in disbelief
They stripped our van to the cold concrete
We pulled away to their defeat
We made it to the show and didn't miss a beat
So sign that line the lies that I create
Will follow you and its unfortunate
You opened your mouth and your words agitate
And freedom of speech we will not tolerate

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Other Against All Authority song Lyrics
  • All Fall Down
    ""It's all hopelessness, but we add hope
    in a sea of...of hopelessness."
    The air stings my eyes
    The water burns my skin..."
  • 1200 AM
    "It's midnight and she standing on the
    corner her time is money and that's fucking up
    the order that's right she's crossing all
    the borders standing in the shadows..."
  • Justification
    "How do you sleep at night?!
    'Cause I lie awake
    And burn inside
    When I think of all the shit you've done..."
  • Keep Trying
    "I offer little resistance
    It's a pitiful existence
    Your industry is polluting me and my mind
    And I can barely find the time..."
  • At Our Expense
    "We're holding banners - And they're holding guns
    Keeping our rebellion to a minimum
    As we watch them gain behind this barbed wire fence
    It's so insane - It's at our expense..."
  • Stand In Line
    "You've worked your whole life
    And you've got nothing to show
    Stuck in your life and you've got caught in the undertow
    Goin' down and gonna drown and..."
  • Toby
    "Toby was a friend of mine
    I met him back in school
    We had a bottle of liquor and a skate board ramp
    There was nothing else for us to do..."
  • We Dont Need You
    "Don't ask for what I won't give
    Watered down rebellion to sell to the kids
    I'm frustrated 'cause I keep myself down
    But I've been moved by the movement..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "24 Hour Roadside Resistance" album, click "Against All Authority Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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