Against Me! - Yall Dont Wanna Step To Dis Lyrics

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Artist: Against Me!
Against Me! Author
Album: Crime, as Forgiven By Against Me! (2005)
Against Me! - Crime, as Forgiven By Against Me! Album
Song Title: Yall Dont Wanna Step To Dis
Genre: Folk
Visits: 856
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Four sins past sainthood,
It's like I'm dying to forget
All the sleepless nights,
Lying perfectly alone and still.
I can drink 'till victory,
I'll drink to the mighty,
Drink until I die,
Or at least until the sunrise
When honesty,
As popular as a plague,
Comes to remind me
The dead's winning the race
With me going nowhere.
Right down the street,
A prostitute is selling
The closest thing to love
That this country has to offer,
And Alachua still sleeps tonight,
And Alachua still sleeps tonight,
And Alachua still sleeps tonight...

So we fought for the republic
While the Catholic sun filled every eye.
From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean,
I drank to the mighty.
We died for oil,
We died for borders,
Killed for democracy,
Still believed every platform.
Can you handle the death,
Accept what we create together?
I still know every politician
Is a fucking monster.
Culture kills bureaucrats
And all other undesireables.
History said we died for freedom,
But today no justice was served,
And America still sleeps tonight,
And America still sleeps tonight,
And America still sleeps tonight,
And I hope it doesn't wake up tomorrow.

So we boasted that we were champions,
Each country singing it's own praise.
Like a rock thrown into the ocean,
Humanity was rising to the top.
Two world wars later,
Countless military interventions,
We erect monuments to history
And give apologies to the dead.
All that was fought for the living
Is quickly forgotten.
We don't remember the dates,
We don't remember the reasons.
We have no idea what's going on,
Building histories of western corporations.
It doesn't even turn my stomach
To see the pictures of atrocities anymore,
Going numb in the new order
Of the new century.
And Alachua still sleeps tonight,
And America still sleeps tonight,
And the world still sleeps tonight...

And Alachua still sleeps tonight...
And America still sleeps tonight...
And the world still sleeps tonight...

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  • Miami
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  • Joy
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  • Holy Shit
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    I am oh so entertained,
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  • Problems
    "an inventory has been taken of every belonging
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  • Rice And Bread
    "Can not find everything you need in all of this?
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    we'll burn it as we take it in.
    You're sing your heart out,..."
  • Reinventing Axl Rose
    "We want a band that plays loud and hard every night
    That doesn't care how many people are counted at the door
    That would travel one million miles
    and ask for nothing more than a plate of food and a place to rest..."
  • Sink, Florida, Sink
    "Not one more word tonight, between here and there,
    we'll put a distance the size of the ocean
    so now this heart can beat a skipping rhythm.
    As the cadence carries me i almost drift away..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Crime, as Forgiven By Against Me!" album, click "Against Me! Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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