Agalloch - She Painted Fire Across The Skyline Lyrics

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Artist: Agalloch
Agalloch Author
Song Title: She Painted Fire Across The Skyline
Visits: 851
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Oh dismal mourning...
I open my weary eyes once again
My life has been left hollow and ashes have filled the gorge of my within
Last night I hoped and wished I'd die in my sleep but no catharsis was granted to
Will this pain ever pass?
The enchanting perfume of winter and the bleak, cold breath of her still haunts
Oportet ubique pulchritudinem evanescere

So half of me rode to the mountains and the other half soared high in the winds
to a place where the angels had fallen, the soil gagged and choked on their wings
My soul was the pale skyline that she stretched across the horizon
Two years had brought the fire that she paints upon my loathsome canvas

She is the dark one...
As a bird I watched her from my cold tower in the heavens
and when she fell from the northplace, I flew down and embraced her
I took her where the snow falls forever, she showed me the haunted woods
We gathered together in the oaken palace, free from both death and life
The fire blazed in her eyes one day and she tore the soul from my chest
With a bleeding heart, I flew back to my cold tower
to never escape and lie in a pool of death forever

I saw the nightfall...
It called to me like a river of shadows
It sang to me with the cries of a thousand ravens that blackened the sky as they
took flight
and sank the Sol
I shall never trust the sun again, Eridanis Nadir

I ran away far into the woods
To find the Sol, I called to her...
"I don't want to be forgotten...I never wanted to be human"

So alas the sun had descended, her fire burned brilliant in the sky
The trees bore their withered silhouettes, that cast a spell upon unearthly white
No wolf shall keep his secrets, no bird shall dance the skyline
And I am left with nothing but an oath that gleams like a sword
To bathe in the blood of man

[Music by Haughm (7/97 - 1/99)]

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  • This Old Cabin
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    'neth an azure midnight sky
    I walked in the shadows..."
  • I Am The Wooden Doors
    "When all is withered and torn
    And all has perished and fallen
    These great wooden doors shall remain closed. . .
    When the heart is a grave filled with blood..."
  • A Desolation Song
    "Here I sit at the fire
    Liquor's bitter flames warm my languid soul
    Here I drink alone and remember
    A graven life, the stain of her memory..."
  • Of Stone Wind And Pillor
    "...It was not long ago when I had fallen from this mortal world,
    lost in dream flight to pierce the horizon as a bird...
    Is this life the pillor I must bear?
    To grow in this wretched world?..."
  • Kneel To The Cross
    "Give us our bread and bury our dead
    And kneel to the cross on the wall
    Whether burnt at the stake or drunk at the wake
    Just kneel to the cross on the wall..."
  • A Poem By Yeats
    "The brawling of a sparrow in the eaves,
    The brilliant moon and all the milky sky,
    And all that famous harmony of leaves,
    Had blotted out man's image and his cry...."

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