Agathocles - Save Your Soul Lyrics

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Artist: Agathocles
Agathocles Author
Album: Superiority Overdose (2001)
Agathocles - Superiority Overdose Album
Song Title: Save Your Soul
Genre: Metal
Visits: 866
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why should I pray, when my soul won't be saved?
why be a slave, gods' salvation is just fake
another invention to prevent social change
in order to increase, the profits of the state
gods' salvation is states' creation
to prevent us to fight for a better nation
gods' salvation is states' creation
to prevent us to fight for a better nation
why should you stick, stick to your faith
and wait until, until it's too late
while companies are fucking and raping the mass
the ones they abuse, for them to make cash
gods' salvation is states' creation
to prevent us to fight for a better nation
gods' salvation is states' creation
to prevent us to fight for a better nation
religion and capital go hand in hand
a ruling class-tool to fuck the rest
sit back, act not, believe in a god
a life of suffering and then you will rot
why should I pray, when my soul won't be saved?
why be a slave, gods' salvation is just fake
another invention to prevent social change
in order to increase, the profits of the state
gods' salvation is states' creation
to prevent us to fight for a better nation
gods' salvation is states' creation
to prevent us to fight for a better nation
religion and capital go hand in hand
a ruling class-tool to fuck the rest
sit back, act not, believe in a god
a life of suffering and then you will rot
gods' salvation is states' creation
to prevent us to fight for a better nation
gods' salvation is states' creation
to prevent us to fight for a better nation
religion and capital go hand in hand
a ruling class-tool to fuck the rest
sit back, act not, believe in a god
a life of suffering and then you will rot

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Other Agathocles song Lyrics
  • Sentimental Hypocrisy
    "Put on your fucking mask
    Co deceiving is yer fucking task
    Using, abusing, can't you fucking see
    You're just a model of sentimental hypocrisy..."
  • Megalomanic Stupidity
    "What do you care?
    Putting others in fear,
    Enslaved by your disgrace,
    But that's not my case...."
  • Hangmans Dance
    "This is a new dance,
    Put a rope in your hands,
    Get on a chair,
    And put the thing around your neck...."
  • Ubermensch Hilarity
    "You are so fucking sick,
    Just another nazi-dick,
    Thinking you are the best,
    Way better than the rest,..."
  • Triple murder flesh
    "You watch the horrors on the screen,
    Still you refuse to fucking see,
    Famine strikes the third world child
    While eating burger, you don't,..."
  • Sieg Shit
    "See them shouting in the streets,
    Shouting "hail" on a marching beat,
    Didn't history teach us that,
    Fascist bastards bring us death,..."
  • Well Of Happiness
    "Years & years I searched for this
    Found the right one? No I didn't
    Hypocrisy is all what remains
    Shall I be happier if I cut my veins?..."
  • Birds (Poem) /Agarchy
    "Theatric Symbolisation of Life
    Considering life is just a play
    Where we all are the actors
    Where there's no individual equality..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Superiority Overdose" album, click "Agathocles Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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