Agathodaimon - A DEATH IN ITS PLENITUDE Lyrics

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Artist: Agathodaimon
Agathodaimon Author
Album: A Higher Art of Rebellion (1992)
Agathodaimon - A Higher Art of Rebellion Album
Visits: 801
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Screaming day and night at the dark-forboding walls
Lights dim before me and enthralls all
I'll always look the same in this cold, forsaken dark

Teach me to drip own tears
For the pain of other's hearts
Not the essence, but the woe of mankind
To weep within my crying

Root the strength of love and hatred
Let blood flow in purest red
Root the angels' rage into my soul
Let it grow

There is something infidel that's gonna happen today
Be the witness, now and ever, abandoned angel of decay

The obscurity's curtain I paint as the blind
Life's tumult in the free fall
The ghouls chasing its trace
Oh, dreams, here ended all

Is there something in us all
That can last forever?

I feel the strange penetrating my fibres
Mocking at my vacant sferes
Body parts cut cold evolving to a rotting culture
A death in its plenitude

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    And it seems that eighty years beneath my feet did glide,
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  • Departure
    "We part for ever from today
    Farewell beloved one
    And I, unto may death, your way
    Will shun...."
  • Sacred Divinity
    "In peaceful silence she lies there and sleeps
    Dreaming of secrets conceiled in the deeps
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    Those who are devoted to her know that she keeps..."
  • Burden Of Time
    "Tumbling against walls of stone
    Arcades filled with silence
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    Crazed eyes follow my stars..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "A Higher Art of Rebellion" album, click "Agathodaimon Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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