Agathodaimon - Banner Of Blasphemy (stindardul Blasfemiei) Lyrics

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Artist: Agathodaimon
Agathodaimon Author
Song Title: Banner Of Blasphemy (stindardul Blasfemiei)
Visits: 802
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Trei cruci de lemn, trei cruci enorme de lemn
Vopsite cu trei culori, pzesc pe marginea soselei
Fntna celor... crediciosi!
Trei cruci pe marginea soselei
cu gesturi largi de mini bolnave
Opresc din drum pe cltori
si parc-s trei spnzurtori
De care atrn trei crisosi...
ntr-o zi mpinsi de-acelasi funerar ndemn
Ca dou-armate puse una-n fata alteia
Cumintii se-ntlnir cu nebunii
Copiii mortilor de mine se-ntlnir cu printii...
"Se-armatele-ncepur lupta la umbra crucilor de lemn
Deoparte flutura stindardul credintei... alb... curat..." albul cel curat, al florilor de nufr
Iar tricolorul nebuniei, nchis cu grij-n cte-in cufr
De craniu omenesc...
Sta gata s se desfsoare la cea dinti ngenuncheare
A albului domnesc...
ns-n ziu-aceea cerul nnegrit de fum prea
Un tavan de catedral ce se nruia
"Iar fumul din clopotnitele-aprinse deschidea-n albastrul:"
Drumul altui fum, mai greu, mei negru si-albastrul
Si-n ziu-aceea cerul nnegrit de fum prea
Un tavan de catedral ce se nruia
Si multimea-nspimntat, spre clopotnitele-aprinse
Se-ndrumeaz grupuri, grupuri, cei cuminti privesc plngnd
Plng ca resturil unei armate-nvinse, iar nebunul st deoparte
Si zmbeste ... fredonnd:
"Iar tricolorul nebuniei adpostea pe-nvingtori!"
"Banner Of Blasphemy"
Three wooden crosses - Three huge crosses of wood
Painted with three colors - On the margin of the road
Guarding the fountain of the believers
Three crosses on the margin of the road
With gestures made by morbid hands
They hinder wanderers whilst passing
Like three gallows on holy lands
Where three cristians are hanging...
Inclined by a funeral stir
On a fatal sky, so blur
Like two armies enticed to war
The mad have fallen upon the brave
The children of morrows dead
Their parents had met
In the shade of the wooden crosses
The armies began their battle
Aside... the banner of creedance flattered
White and clean
Like the cleanest white men have seen
And the blasphemic flag of madness
Safely embedded in each humen skull
Was ready to unfold at the first
Subjugation of the royal white
On the same day, blackened by fumes
The heavens seem to be the ceiling
Of a collapsing cathedral, bleeding
And the fumes of the burning steeples
Opened in the celestial blue
The way of another fume
Blacker, heavier, and the blue
Has become black, too
So the horrified people
Hasten to the burning steeples
The brave behold whilst crying
Like the remnants of a defeated army
And the madmen stay aside
Grinning and humming: Blasphemy
And the tricolor of madness was sheltering
The conquerors!

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  • Past Shadows
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    And read again the hours that so silently have gone,
    And it seems that eighty years beneath my feet did glide,
    That I am old as winter, that maybe you have died...."
  • Departure
    "We part for ever from today
    Farewell beloved one
    And I, unto may death, your way
    Will shun...."
  • Sacred Divinity
    "In peaceful silence she lies there and sleeps
    Dreaming of secrets conceiled in the deeps
    Of our long forgotten history.
    Those who are devoted to her know that she keeps..."
  • Burden Of Time
    "Tumbling against walls of stone
    Arcades filled with silence
    The frozen hand of nothingness breaks my mind
    Crazed eyes follow my stars..."

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