Agathodaimon - Novus Ordo Seclorum Lyrics

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Artist: Agathodaimon
Agathodaimon Author
Album: A Higher Art of Rebellion (1992)
Agathodaimon - A Higher Art of Rebellion Album
Song Title: Novus Ordo Seclorum
Visits: 784
Print Version

Putrid cross of ignorance, loss of reverence, whip of innocence
Been listening to your mourning, watching you falling

Deeper, farer, until your calling
Evoked an eerie tone, that only you alone
As a warning have known
Guess, you've tried everything
To be as me, to winback the soul I've kindly been

Treating like my only son
God's shiny angel, I am gone
and you what the hell have you become?
Abandoned son, my fairly fallen angel, come on
And tell your father, what will we become!?

Angels, we dwell in hell, humiliating and sad as well
The world succumbed, some tell
And there I stand stone-still, hence
In my own non-existance and muse upon consequence!

Blood stained clay, forth from our sacred dissaray
Someone will walk a new way
And will close the door 'twixt us and common core
Angel, did you really want this war?
Scarlet lips of indecency (Scarlet lips of perversity)
In search for a splintered tongue (Matching each face disguised)
Sharpened words of intimacy
They'll need (all) my love (They'll need my hatred)

Sapience, pierce my flesh with your thorns of irony
Angel falls and twists her wings and her gleaming breasts
will rot like foul flesh, hence worms will dance
to a macabre romance... the rape of sweetness in my eyes

Decrepitude, pierce my tongue with your womanliness
Suck the honey of my breath and tear faith apart
Scratching suicidal love on life's putrid skin
I am your mortal son, so I am sin!!!

Oh ye, in hell we are, humiliated and bizarre
How only I have reached so far, my star
And you, across that melting sky
Waiting for me to die
For everything must die, and within everything am I

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  • Paradise Beyond
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  • The Ending Of Our Yesterday
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  • Past Shadows
    "Now far I am from you, before my fire alone,
    And read again the hours that so silently have gone,
    And it seems that eighty years beneath my feet did glide,
    That I am old as winter, that maybe you have died...."
  • Departure
    "We part for ever from today
    Farewell beloved one
    And I, unto may death, your way
    Will shun...."
  • Sacred Divinity
    "In peaceful silence she lies there and sleeps
    Dreaming of secrets conceiled in the deeps
    Of our long forgotten history.
    Those who are devoted to her know that she keeps..."
  • Burden Of Time
    "Tumbling against walls of stone
    Arcades filled with silence
    The frozen hand of nothingness breaks my mind
    Crazed eyes follow my stars..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "A Higher Art of Rebellion" album, click "Agathodaimon Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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