Age Of Electric - Cranky Lyrics

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Artist: Age Of Electric
Song Title: Cranky
Visits: 775
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Cranky, cranky, make a pest a pet
It stops annoying me
Mosquito burst from, too much my exotic red
A good year, but rotten grapes
To find me one escape

Cranky, cranky, cranky, cranky

I licked the ocean, they bury me in a tree
Branch on pull outside, beat by a baseball bat
Beat by a baseball bat, beat by a baseball bat
Beat by a baseball bat, beat by a baseball bat
Beat by a baseball bat, ohhhh, yeah

Make a pest a pet, make a pest a pet
Make a pest a pet, pest a pet

Make a pest a pet, make a pest a pet
Make a pest a pet, make a pest a pet, oh oh ohh, yeah

Beat by a baseball bat, beat by a baseball bat
Beat by a baseball bat, beat by a bat

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  • Epitaph
    "She read your words on my TV, So much anger in her grief
    A candle lit for you, And the words you wrote they sing with
    So much truth, More than you could ever know
    You lost your faith in something, How could you do this to us?..."
  • Exist To Resist
    "Bottom won't make it go away
    Petting doom is second to nothing
    Could I waste more time getting there?
    Or share in the boiling know how..."
  • Getaway
    "I want you to think about it, To think about the things that he said
    I want you to live without it, To breathe without the bruises on your head
    I want you to sleep without it, To sleep without the demon in your bed
    I want you to live without it, To breathe without it, Without a doubt..."
  • ...Show All

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