Age Of Ruin - Two Silver Tongues Lyrics

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Artist: Age Of Ruin
Song Title: Two Silver Tongues
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silver tought spoke all the lies a thousand times new wrestle with a choice a thousand more you even listening point out to the glistening sea i say the sea it lies lies like every gust of wind wind that whispers ever sight sights i can barely hide disgust disgust of every shape shapes that set loose my rage for this black sky onlyone wholl fear this day are cowards take my hand ill show you the beauty of death point out from the other side ill say the sea is full of life full o life like every wind whispers every sight many sights i should have seen in a different light i wish i could see that bright sky one last time only ones wholl fear this day are cowards take my hand ill show you the beauty only ones wholl fear this day are cowards take my hand ill show you the beauty of death ill never know how hard you tried youll never know my sacrificethese torn out wings cannot fly im sorry if only you saw the light the darkness took over every shred of caring i ever had ill never know how hard you tried youll never know my sacrifice im sorry if only you saw the light these torn out wings cannot fly

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  • Dimmer
    "glass shards pushed thru my veins straining to hold onto reality breath comes in short desperate gasps trying to focus past salty cluds ive found my weakness and now must tear it ou ive found my weakness and now must tear it all of this stems from you poison roots have burroed seeds now planted in my heart all of this stems from you ive found my weakness and now must find the strength to remove this wickedness to tear it ou remove all memory tear it out all those days every heartfelt kiss take it back not even on my grave do i want your tears keep them all ive found the strentgh to take this stillborn heart and leave it at your feet the needle has risen the lights have been dimmed curtains have lowered these pages have been torn the needle has risen the lights have been dimmed the story is finished the book has been closed

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