Agent Steel - Human Bullet Lyrics

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Artist: Agent Steel
Agent Steel Author
Album: Order Of The Illuminati (2003)
Agent Steel - Order Of The Illuminati Album
Song Title: Human Bullet
Genre: Metal: Alternative
Visits: 862
Print Version

White Light

Mission classified

Neural Probe

Map your mind TARGET

Run the maze my loyal pet

Recall your orders and the rest forget


So close to the perfect crime

A human bullet in a chambered mind

An appetite for profanity

Everything you were made to be

Fracturing the pristine mind

Crack the shell and reach inside

Manipulating all we find to do or die

Conflict borne of man-machines

Solidifies our chosen scheme

It's so much more than what it seems behind your eyes

White Light

Falling Star

The you you knew is now the slave you are DANCING

To a dirge that sings within

A waltz of damage just beneath the skin


Death tapped out by your puppet toes

Another current in the undertow

Below the waves we weave the curse

To drown the world, choke the earth

Assembling the fractured mind

Puzzle equals suicide

Create the killer from inside

Some dreams must die

Slaughtering ability

Bred in you through trickery

Surrender blindly, slake our greed

And stain the skies

DOMINATE - Until we hear their cries

DOMINATE - While they believe our lies

DOMINATE - Salt and twist the knife

DOMINATE - Until the wound is ripe

Above theocracy we reign

Sharing death, bearing pain

In god's name all the heretics must die

Behind Democracy we rule

And Communists we use as tools

All the world's devoted to our crime

And still they trust their minds?

Above theocracy we reign

Sharing death, bearing pain

In god's name all the heretics must die

Behind Democracy we rule

And Communists we use as tools

All the world's devoted to our crime

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  • Unstoppable Force
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    The signs of war are coming,
    SPACE migrator
    Your presence ever, haunting......"
  • Never Surrender
    "They spit in your eye
    You'll never retreat...
    You resist their attack
    We await the command......"
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Order Of The Illuminati" album, click "Agent Steel Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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