Aggro-Fate - Undercover Lyrics

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Artist: Aggro-Fate
Song Title: Undercover
Visits: 833
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Stabbed in the back,i've lost my trust
for the person that i've trusted so much
always smiling and laughin in my face
but talk shit about me every other place
you were my brother you had my respect
til i felt the steel pierce thru my back
now my trust for you is over
cuz you turned into a backstabbing poser
(chorus)I need to stitch up my back
i turned my head and you attacked
all in my face you used to sweat me
behind my back you disrespect me
You wouldnt say nuthin when it was eye to eye
behind my back you wish that i would die
i didnt think this would happen to me
the only friend i had was an enemy
i cant believe the person i considered a brother
was a 2 faced bitch undercover
the only person i trusted my whole life
stabbed me in the back wit a butchers knife
(Never Again)Will I trust no one
(Never Again)Will I be So dumb x 2
Never Again x 2
Why cant you see
You are now the enemy
I cant believe
You would betray mebut
(Never Again)Will I trust no one
(Never Again)Will I be so dumb x 2
Never Again x 2

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  • False Prophet
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  • First And Last
    "Black clouds surround me when you're not around
    Wanting so bad just to be with you right now
    Should've known this was to good to be true
    Would've given anything just to be with you..."
  • Frustrate
    "Just leave me alone
    im better off
    on my own
    You said that you would change but your still the same..."
  • No Regrets
    "I will not have no regrets
    This is something you must understand
    This hate wont go away only expands
    Now everytime that I see your face..."
  • Pill Driven
    "cant explain what has happened to me
    Sell me a dream
    give me something to hope for
    Pill Driven Society..."
  • Say No
    "As I leave this pleasent sky
    me and reality collide
    the only thing that makes me happy
    is the thing that kills me inside..."

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