Agnetha Faltskog - Mr Persuasion Susan Lynch Larry Whitman Lyrics

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Artist: Agnetha Faltskog
Agnetha Faltskog Author
Song Title: Mr Persuasion Susan Lynch Larry Whitman
Visits: 876
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Now I made up my mind
But it's never too late
You can turn the tide in any conversation

You sway me when you say it that way
Oooh I imagine whatever you say
They call you Mr. persuasion
'Cos you can talk me up and down
And all you do is tell me that
That's cos' you're Mr. Persuasion
That's cos' you're Mr. Persuasion

Now when you're on a roll
You're a real romancer
You got all the questions
and all the answers

You sway me when you say it that way
Oooh I imagine whatever you say
They call you Mr. persuasion
'Cos you can talk me up and down
And all you do is tell me that
That's cos' you're Mr. Persuasion
That's cos' you're Mr. Persuasion

Now you could talk me into
Almost anything you want to
'Cos you're Mr. Persuasion
You'd convince me day was night
You never wrong, You're always right

Well I got a mind but I put it on vacation
That's 'Cos you're Mr. Persuasion

Ooh how You sway me when you say it that way
Oooh I imagine whatever you say
They call you Mr. persuasion
'Cos you can talk me up and down
And all you do is tell me that
That's 'cos you're Mr. Persuasion
That's 'cos you're Mr. Persuasion

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Other Agnetha Faltskog song Lyrics
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  • Take Good Care Of Your Children
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    Make it into something good.
    Take good care of your children,
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  • I Wont Let You Go
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    They think that love is a game to play
    They oughta know that I get my way...."
  • The Angels Cry
    "I always knew we were meant to be lovers,
    I always knew we were made for each other,
    I always knew there was no one else
    Could make me feel this way..."
  • We Should Be Together
    "If I close my eyes
    I can see us together, yeah, yeah
    You can hypnotize me
    Still I'll never forget him, no, no...."
  • I Wont Be Leaving You
    "We sat down together
    Our table for two
    We went through the menu so slowly
    I just couldn't take my eyes off you...."
  • Save Me (Why Dont Ya)
    "I talk to my mirror now
    Why does it have to be me?
    Oh, listen to the rumours now
    Pick up the pieces and see...."
  • The Last Time
    "I don't believe that the hour has arrived
    What can I do?
    Where will I go?
    If I ask you..."

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