Agony - Silence Lyrics

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Artist: Agony
Song Title: Silence
Visits: 880
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Des milliers d'ames sont tourmentee,
Prisonnieres de leurs destinee!
Dans le silence cachent leur enfance!
Dans le silence cachent leurs souffrances!

Recepteur de violence,
Instrument de fantasme!
Ils ont tue l'innocence,
Pour atteindre l'orgasme!

Dans le silence cachent leurs souffrances,
Leurs souvenirs obsedants marquee au fer blanc!
Dans la souffrance meurt l'innoncence!
Dans la souffrance nait leur violence!

Pedophilie tu viol leur corps!
Pedofolie tu viol leur ames!

C'est un mal de societee,
Un cercle vicieux qu'il faut briser!
Generations en generations
Ce transmettent les aggressions!
La victime devient l'agresseur,
Le cercle vicieux regne par la peur!
Certains secret sont lourds a porter,
Cesse la souffrance, Brise le silence!

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Other Agony song Lyrics
  • After Death/Evicerated Pig
    "Entombed in earth you make yourself,
    Can't see nothing around of you!
    You raise your fist, you touch the wood,
  • Apocalyptic Dawning
    "Sooner or later will happen,
    Total destruction of creation!
    Radiation in the atmosphere,
    Human's total revocation!..."
  • Blood Addiction...
    "Feasting on human flesh is part of all my life...
    I'm killing innoncents with no mercy to please myself!
    Drinking their blood is the reason why I'm taking their lives!
    Always ready to practice my barbarian demise on themselves!..."
  • Cyberpsychosis
    "A synthetic human race is born,
    The new generation!
    Human values are digitized,
    Our pathetic future is now arrived!..."
  • Eve Of Destruction
    "Extinction of evolution, In front of your eyes
    No god can save us, From our disgrace
    No god can save us, From this destruction
    People running everywhere, Insanity beneath their souls..."
  • Homicide
    ""En ce 10 mai 1992,
    la mort fit sont chemin jusqu'a lui.
    D'un elan de folie il le tua par jalousie.
    Cet hymne a la mort,..."
  • Live In Fucking Emptiness
    "Silver shiny blade is on my wrist,
    All alone on a bed of tears!
    I don't really want to pass away,
    But you're in my mind, and you push on it!..."
  • Mortuary Oppulent
    "A wind of hate, as killed this world!
    Lifeless corpses of the last RACE!
    The living look dead and death is so beautiful,
    As you live with those disease!..."

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