Agresin - Stay Lyrics

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Artist: Agresin
Song Title: Stay
Visits: 900
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Can't you see
That nobody wants us here tonight
Please at leats
See the way they greet you back...

I can hear them say
That you don't belong here
Who was it that told you
To come to this party

You don't need all this crap
I'm sick of you trying
To speack with their accent
I guess I'm just sorry...

Keep on pretending that those are your best friends
I'm out of here, I can't stand this scene

Puede ser que llegue un dia en que comprendas
El dia que despiertes que entiendas que siento
Al ver como olvidas y cambias quien eres

You don't want to see how this really is
You don't want to hear what I have to say
You're too busy, you don't hear my goodbye
Stay, keep on practicing how to smile

What I got to, what I got to tell you...

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Other Agresin song Lyrics
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    And I cant change what weve got
    Cause in my veins is running your dirt..."
  • Care
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    My silent smile is there just
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    I guess this time you dont wanna fight..."
  • Cultura 3
    "Our culture has got blurry to the eyes of our sons
    Your growing has been proven your sickness has been passed on
    At last...
    We study with your books, ours never had a chance..."
  • Deaf World
    "We tried to explain but nobody could understand us
    We tried to find our words in a language no one spoke
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    Who made this deaf world?..."
  • Falling
    "Sober now I get the meaning
    Finding out that for you
    Its easier to change
    How could I forget the words of my silence..."
  • Forget
    "Didn't you say you knew me
    Didn't you say you wouldn't go away
    Early words of something that then I though we shared
    Was it your reputation..."
  • Hypocracy
    "Tell me, tell me, whos around me with no mask
    With no more, with no more intentions than those shown
    In their words, in their covers
    Who denied himself todo lo que fu..."
  • Its Not My Town
    "The one who calls me insane, me pregunto quin?
    Cause no one around knows in fact my name
    Quien sabe quien soy, back in town
    Is waiting for the moment just to bring me down..."

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