Aguilera Christina - Soar Lyrics
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Aguilera Christina Singer Lyrics
Soar Song Lyrics
Aguilera Christina
Stripped (2002)
Song Title:
Dance: Pop
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When they push, when they pull
Tell me can you hold on
When they say you should change
Can you lift your head high and stay strong
Will you give up, give in
When your heart's crying out "that is wrong"
Will you love you for you at the end of it all
Now in life there's gonna be times
When you're feeling low
And in your mind insecurities seem to take control
We start to look outside ourselves
For acceptance and approval
We keep forgetting that the one thing we should know is
Don't be scared
To fly alone
Find a path that is your own
Love will open every door
See in your hands the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know
All the answers you will unfold
What are you waiting for
Spread your wings and soar
The boy who wonders, is he good enough for them
Keep trying to please them all
But he just never seems to fit in
Then there's the girl who thinks she'll never ever be
Good enough for him
He's trying to change and
That's a game she'll never win
In life there will be times when you're feeling low
And in your mind insecurities seem to take control
We start to look outside ourselves
For acceptance and approval
We keep forgetting that one thing we should know is
Don't be scared
To fly alone
Find a path that is your own
Love will open every door
See in your hands the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know
All the answers they will unfold
What are you waiting for
Spread your wings and soar
In the mirror is where she comes
Face to face with her fears
Her reflection looked forward on to her
After all these years
However how she's tried to be
Something besides herself
Now time has passed and she's ended up
Somewhere else with regret
What is it is that makes us feel the need
To keep pretending
Gotta let ourselves be
Don't be scared
To fly alone
Find a path that is your own
Love will open every door
See in your hands the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know
All the answers you will unfold
Don't wait no more
Spread your wings and soar
Find your road
Love will open every door
See in your hands the world is yours
Don't look back in the window, you'll find your way
Always know all the answers will unfold
Oh don't wait
Spread your wings and soar
Don't wait no more
You've got to soar
Spread your wings and soar
Don't wait no more
No don't you wait no more
Spread your wings and soar
You've can soar
So what you waiting for
Don't wait, Don't wait
Soar Lyrics
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Other Aguilera Christina song Lyrics
Christmas Time
"Fa la la la la...
When I was young, every Christmas Eve I could not sleep
Trying to catch that old St. Nick leaving presents under the tree
And every year I fall asleep laying in my bed..."
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All my friends are gonna come gonna party all night long
I know, you know, I just want us to go
The fun we'll have fun you'll never be alone..."
Dont Make Me Love You
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Don't make me give you more than my kisses
I need you to go slow and steady
Don't make me love you 'til I'm ready..."
El Beso Del Final
"Hay, en mi corazn, una inquietud
hoy te veo tan distante
hay, algo que me aleja de tu amor
de repente t cambiaste..."
Falsas Esperanzas
"No te creo no
No me digas todo lo que piensas
No lo digas... no
Slo dime cunto me deseas..."
Genie In A Bottle
"I feel like I've been locked up tight
For a century of lonely nights
Waiting for someone to release me
You're licking your lips..."
Genio Atrapado
"Vamos Vamos
Un siglo llevo en soledad
Atrapada queriendo escapar..."
I Turn To You
"When I'm lost in the rain
In your eyes I know I'll find the light
To light my way
And when I'm scared..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Stripped" album, click "
Aguilera Christina Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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