Aina - The Siege Of Aina Lyrics

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Artist: Aina
Aina Author
Album: Days Of Rising Doom - The Metal Opera - CD1 (2003)
Aina - Days Of Rising Doom - The Metal Opera -  CD1 Album
Song Title: The Siege Of Aina
Genre: Metal
Visits: 883
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[Angelic Ainae Choir:]
Thnaton swrutaena jewria taemr
Nachae tin jewria, Aindahaj ribanewr!

(Darkness is coming your way
see it coming, Aina beware!)

[Krakhon Choir:]
Naschtok brutah'k goh sha turh
Trahol Sorvahr kop da furh!

My Lord, everything is now in place
Our years of planning are bearing fruit
Long have we waited for this day
Now let us set out with our troops

Oh, yes, I long to pave their streets in blood
And ebb and flow with waves of gore
Long have we waited for this day
Now let them taste of pain of our lore!

Of course, your blades are thirsting for pain
But don't your loins hunger for pure flesh?
Rip through the maidens, slay the men
Let them know the meaning of wrath!

But this, listen to me when I say
Disturb me not when the battle dawns
Long have I waited now for this day
My eye lies upon other gains

Leave the Castle walls untouched
I forbid you to enter that scene
A score I must settle awaits me long
What lies beyond belongs to me!

Your doom is nigh
Though you see it not
Our forces ride
And your hope will rot

[Chorus (With Aina Choir*):]
Lying under all *you believe
Is a darkness to you all *but unseen
Skies will be torn and rain
On the siege of Aina
Terror comes!

[Krakhon Choir:]
Naschtok brutah'k goh sha turh
Trahol Sorvahr kop da furh!

Scream and run
Run and fall
Fall and burn
Burn and die
Die and rot
Rot in Hell! [2x]
Damn you all!

Ah, such familiar halls are these
Here did I waste so man lifetimes
Long have I waited for this day

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