Air Supply - Believe In The Supernatural Lyrics
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Air Supply Singer Lyrics
Believe In The Supernatural Song Lyrics
Air Supply
Life Support (1979)
Song Title:
Believe In The Supernatural
Print Version
(graham russell)
Believe in the supernatural
Believe in the supernatural
Believe in the supernatural
Believe in the supernatural
Believe in the supernatural
Believe in the supernatural
I'm going back just a few years
All people used to seem tall
When everyday would be voices calling
I'd take no notice at all
I'd take no notice at all
Then when i asked if you'd held conversation
I was the talk of the town
Until the voice let me see in the future
They didn't look so way down
I have to make them listen
Or they may never come back
I have to make them listen now
Believe in the supernatural
Believe in the supernatural
Believe in the supernatural
Believe in the supernatural
Believe in the supernatural
Believe in the supernatural
And so i heard and i saw something happening
They were just like you and me
But they were wiser and all had the messages
We really had to believe
We really had to believe
They showed me how the world keeps on turning
It's not as hard as it seems
So many secrets you wouldn't believe it
They manufacture our dreams
I have to make you listen
Or they may never come back
I have to make you listen now
I was afraid of things that i can't see
I can't see love but i like it a lot
I used to take a life in the back seat
Until the front row began to move off
There must be more to sleep than waking
I was so sure there was something waiting there
I'm going back just a few years
All people used to seem tall
When everyday would be voices calling
I'd take no notice at all
I'd take no notice at all
Then when i asked if you'd held conversation
I was the talk of the town
Until the voice let me see in the future
They didn't look so way down
I have to make you listen
Or they may never come back
I have to make you listen now
Believe In The Supernatural Lyrics
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Other Air Supply song Lyrics
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I've made a lot of bad moves
I know you could walk away
But you never do..."
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As I look in your eyes..."
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I want you always to remember
I want you to be a part of my dreams
I was so lonely here without you..."
After All
And the world is fast asleep
I will hold you here and keep
All our secret dreams and plans..."
Make It Right
"I want you to brighten the days of my life
I want you and I all alone to be together at night
I can't stand it
The feeling when you're far away..."
When The Time Is Right
"When the time is right
I will come back for you
To hold you through the night
Just like I always do..."
"Sandy, the fireworks are hailin' over Little Eden tonight
Forcin' a light into all those stoney faces left stranded on this warm July
own in town the circuit's full of switchblade lovers, so fast, so shiney,
so sharp..."
Great Pioneer
"It happened long ago
When I felt the need
For a life of my own
I dreamt of summer love..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Life Support" album, click "
Air Supply Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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