Aisha - Contemporary Girl Lyrics

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Artist: Aisha
Song Title: Contemporary Girl
Visits: 974
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words and music by Aisha

Contemporary Girl
Living in this world

Verse 1:

The world today
Has come a long way
From radio to TV
From fire to electricity
Airplanes and Jets
Computers and the Internet
What an entry
Into the 21st century
This is the world
Of the contemporary girl
But modernization
Isn't for every situation
Like in love
What are we thinking of
Some women take control
Playing the dominant role
But he's a person
God gave him a mind
So stop trying
To make it up for him all the time


Contemporary Girl
Living in this world
Modern society
Gave you the right to be in control
But don't turn your back on love
God gave you a heart and soul

Verse 2:

Living in this world
Can be tough when you're a girl
But you think you've got it under control
And no man will take a hold
Of you or your heart
And that's the way
You wanted it from the start
You run your life
And that of your man
Everything is going according to plan
But on your list of things to remember
Love isn't on your daily agenda
No matter what your friends say
You shouldn't treat him that way
Do unto others
As you'd have done to you
You wouldn't like it
If he did the same to you

Repeat chorus


You put the con in contemporary
With the life that you're selling
And how long you've been trippin'
There's no telling
If you wanna be a feminist
Do it on your own
And you'll be like that movie
Home alone
Why ya wanna trip
Trying to wear the pants in the relationship
I'd rather wear the skirt
You can have a family and still work
You treat him like the gum under your shoe
And then you try to get rid of him like the flu
When you're mad
You know your tempers never far
You make him break down like your car
He shakes in the dust
Like you're San Andreas
Then you bring out his faults
Like diamonds from a vault
Which ironically you want him to buy
And yet still you try
To give him more orders than a waiter
And it divides you like the equator
You're more domineering
Than power steering
But you must realize
Both of you can't drive
How can he not hear what you say
When your nickname is forte
You ever been in a checkout line
Trying to save time
And stand behind
A couple that's out of their minds
She picks a fight
And she knows she's not right
And he apologizes for something he didn't do
And you stare at the ceiling
Cause you don't have a clue
So embarrassed for the guy
You can't look him in the eye
Contemporary girl in the corporate world
You're kicking butt and taking names
And to you it's all a game
Designer clothed
Hard nosed
Battle-ax with a fax
The business brunch
The power lunch
Net and gross
Who makes the most
Spreadsheets and requisitions
Mergers and acquisitions
Real time and the bottom line
Corporate takeovers and leveraged buyouts
A private jet for you to fly out
Just having your fun
Ms. hard as nails
But cry when you break one
You only care about how much you earn
But when will you ever learn
In this world
You can't be the man
When you're a girl
What an extraordinary mask
But I've got one question to ask
You say you know what's best
But how are you gonna rule the world with P.M.S.


Now you're so very sure
With success in your life
You think you don't need him anymore
I guess love isn't a fad
Being an old fashioned girl
Isn't so bad
I know that's not how you want to be
So ladies, sing it with me

Contemporary girl
Living in this world

Contemporary Girl Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    Elle est passee a cote de moi
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