Akbar - Take it There Lyrics

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Artist: Akbar
Song Title: Take it There
Visits: 861
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Take it there

Take em there

[ VERSE 1 ]
I used to live Uptown, 2-1-9th Street
White Plains, everything was concrete
On my block up on the hill
Barnes Ave., yo, everything was chill
Till night fall, that's when they come out
(The freaks y'all) Watch the kid with the gun out
Now many people tell me New York City is horrific
It is kinda... scary, but let's be realistic
This is the part that started this music
When other people out there in the world couldn't do it
Party people had to wait to see
The DJ's go forth and back
We used to rock off these breakbeats
Way before they called it rap
Matter of fact, now that I think back
Hip-hop was the start of somethin big
The way we took this art straight from the parks
To where you live

Now this story had to be told
About how we came in from the cold
Played my hand and refused to fold
We made somethin new out of what was old
And what we make no man can break
So I took my time cause it was mine to take
Now low and behold, I heard my tape just sold
1'000'001, son, now I'm draped in gold
I took it there

[ VERSE 2 ]
Now years ago when I was 9
Pops said, "It's time to rise and shine"
He said, "New York City ain't the place to stay"
We packed the ride and left and headed for L.A.
Took us west straight through the country
See, California is the place to see
So daddy put us inside his Cadillac
We hit the West coast, I thought we'd never come back
Now I'm walking green grass, 3 years went past
Palm trees, ocean breeze, where the summers last
You see ah, that's the life that I lead
It taught me home is just a place where you lay your head
Now get

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