Akrobatik - Militant Raw Lyrics

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Artist: Akrobatik
Akrobatik Author
Song Title: Militant Raw
Visits: 844
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[Verse 1]

Weather Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines

Your whole armed forces couldn't stop this one man team

You can't detect the effect of what my words'll do to you

The effect of my tech's - it's similar to thermonuclear...war

This style is type militant raw

Holdin' the audience prisoner in ways ya never saw

I run through your whole outfit without flaw

The outlaw type'a kid you're proud to shout for

It's funny how good guy now becomes the villain

Money has become God and all squads are illin'

I'm a 102-years-old at the tricentennial

Chillin', if not, an intricate plot will now be my feelin'

Rough, rugged, raw, still values I'm instillin'

?And the chillin'?, hopin' to lower the rate of killin'

Years from my demise, you'll see that my plan is still in

Implementation, it'll come in the form of activists

Sent to fix nations, for now listen to ?Akengers?

Represent your station, spot, domain, or location

But understand we from the same rotation

Good versus Evil, both nations at war

This style is type militant raw

**skratching of various samples**

[Verse 2]

This is the illest war recorded, from Glory to Soldier Story

Organizing a regime to leave your team gory

They can't hack it, so I'm strappin on my Full Metal Jacket

So is to bomb the population in the upper tax bracket

So we can uplift these inner-city sanctions

And once my message cranks in..., bring the tanks in

Then I'm bombin from an aircraft carrier

Final Fantasy Tactics back to space harrier

In other words, new schools are old, check my smart bomber

Check my triple-W-dot-Akrobatik-dot-com

Check my plan of attack for world dominance

It ain't no over the top hate shit, just common sense

I'm intense beyond your definition

Blow a million heads up with out no ammunition

Or no pistol, just this New England Patriot missile

To explode your frame, leavin no remains except your gristle

I get respect, 21 gun salute

Got many rhyme philosophies but none pollute...the brain

I spiritually massage you to the core

My style is type militant raw

**skratching various samples into fade**

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