Akwid - Change Lyrics

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Artist: Akwid
Akwid Author
Song Title: Change
Visits: 1899
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Even though you don't want me, I will wait for you.
And I know this is your world your gonna do what you wanna do.
Just becuase the things I did. I'm always put to shame.
So if you let me in your world, I promise I will Change.

*VeRsE1:There's no doubt no question, on what you been doing for years.
Corrupt both of our worlds, now you livin in tears.
You cried you my only one, look me dead in the eye.
What a fool to believe, girl for you I would die.
Thought I found my one and only girl.
To share my life, and share my World.
Second guessing on myself, never cross the line.
Never once doubt in you, try to play my mind.
The best things always come in twos,
but after this one time, I couldn't stick around, cuz of the wicked way you choose
Though you were my baby boo,
The time came around to represent on what a man had to do.
Swirvin, weaving, hid beneath this section.
Fuck all the drama never should i have to mention,
but just incase you wanna really take a swirl,
Don't trust nobody when it comes to my world.


*VeRsE2:For just once I got a hold of my world.
There's no more drama
No more sad or slow songs and drama about no girl.
I shifted out a foo and hit the breaks quick,
and thinking "Damn i coulda been there with this chick"
(It's crazy) girlfirend dont care care if vatos think she's stuck.
She was getting down with Anthony and Chuck.
(and for this chick?) life was nothing but an all day party she was livin,
and i couldnt get up in it, and if i did (guess what?)
Then id be like the next man found fighting,
when I found that they're pounding on your back,
and its still the same, but you claim things change.
Tryna blame me for your games. (Please)
It's all cool baby it's nobodys fault but mine,
for goin on a ride on cloud nine.
I coulda gave you my whole world then.
but I'd probably be sharing it with them.


2x:Nobody's gonna shape my world &
Nobody's gonna make my world &
Nobody's gonna break my world &
Nobody's gonna take my world.

*VeRsE3:The truth lies in the soul not to save the lease.
There's noone to blame cuz the pain is in the beast.
You know right from wrong,
so stop holding on
Look on the brightside,
You're fortunate to be in my song.
There's no exception, don't question what I believe.
It's all good, till you tangled up the way i believe.
With our heart and soul, and a mind of gold,
There will never be another like you in my world.
You still lookin at me sideways (why?) cuz i just sang my sad song,
and you still cant believe im gone,
but you know i really understand, it's hard to swallow what i said,
when I think about the lies you fed.
And it aint all bad, it's actually all good,
knowing that i did what i could (for real)
You shouldn't let it get you down and blue,
think im dedicating this song to you (You feel me?)


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