Al Jarreau - In My Music Lyrics
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Al Jarreau Singer Lyrics
In My Music Song Lyrics
Al Jarreau
Tomorrow Today (2000)
Song Title:
In My Music
Print Version
In my music, lalala
Keeps me happy
Flowin' on
In my music, lalala
You'll be the one thing
That won't ever let me down
You'll be my piece of the pie
That keeps me alive
You'll be the reason why
I give all my props to you
Oh, Ain't nothin' new
You'll be the one thing
Who I'd owe it all too, yeah
In my music 2x
In my music, lalala
Inspiration is everywhere
In my music, lalala
Keeps me breathin'
Like a breath of fresh air
You'll be my morning light
That breaks through my night
You are my bloodline
What would I do without you
Hey, I always knew
You'd be the one thing
Who I'd owe it all too
In my music, lalala
I've been waiting all alone
In my music,lalala
Comes a feelin'
Like I'd never ever known
You'll be my piece of the pie
That keeps me alive
You'll be the reason why
I give all my props to you
Oh, ain't nothin' new
You'll be the one thing
Who I'd owe it all too
You'll be my morning light
That breaks through my night
You are my bloodline
What would I do without you
Hey, I always knew
You'd be the one thing
Who I'd owe it all too (2x)
In my music (3x)
In My Music Lyrics
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Other Al Jarreau song Lyrics
Just To Be Loved
"I was down to the bone I was lonely only yesterday
Didn't know I was throwin my chances away
Then you came along just long enough to see
Far beyond the fool that I have come to be..."
Were In This Love Together
"I've always believed in dreams
And that fantasies somehow come true
When dreaming of you
I've seen a moment's magic shine..."
Our Love
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Where poets dwell.
We can sail tomorrow.
There is always room for one..."
Roof Garden
""Roof Garden"
Does anyone wanna go
waltzing in the garden?
Does anyone wanna go..."
We Got By
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Never knew a new bicycle
Hand-me-down books and shoes
They brought the yule tides in July..."
Your Song
"It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside
I'm not one of those, who can easily hide
I don't have much money, but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live...."
Never Givin Up
"I've been afraid that I had missed the
chance of a lifetime
And by the way
I've tumbled with romance, girl,..."
Spain (I Can Recall)
"A stick a stone
it's the end of the road,
it's the rest of the stump
it's a little alone..."
...Show All
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Al Jarreau Singer
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