Al Stewart - Where Are They Now Lyrics

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Artist: Al Stewart
Al Stewart Author
Song Title: Where Are They Now
Visits: 855
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I sent my crack divisions through the early morning mist
When they fell on your positions you were powerless to resist
Encircling and probing for the weakness in your line
By night you were surrounded; your territory mine
I called for your surrender; this you swore you would not do
So I stormed the very fortress, you thought could shelter you
I held you then upon your knees and turned to give my thanks
To the regiments assembled in their ranks

Where are they now?
Where are they now?

I raised you to your feet, with your hand inside my own
We set off upon a journey, each together, each alone
In the days that followed oh our lives did overlap
I learned the contours of your body like the roads upon a map
You sweetened every evening, I savoured every day
Just when I was certain it would always be this way
You slipped beyond the reach of my outstretched fingertips
With all the kisses we'd placed upon your lips


Oh close. You're close
Someone, come shine a light
Oh near. So near
But just out of sight

I went in search of alchemy to resurrect the dead
Sent my spies to fathom out the secrets in your head
They said they heard your laughter
Spinning through the summer night
In the company of strangers
And your eyes were wild and bright
Though I grew reclusive and my days became withdrawn
I held the banner of our love, now tattered and forlorn
And swore that it would one day fly above us once again
To do this, I had my reasons then


Close. You're close
Once again, come shine a light
Oh near. So near
But just out of sight

Perhaps there are some passions that are tempered by the years
You reach accomodation, the intensity recedes
Some of this occurred to me the time I saw you last
Your face familiar in a way. Your voice out of the past
Every gamut of emotion shared from tenderness to rage
Fell away between us in the turning of that page
It seemed like only yesterday we swore that we'd be true
Two innocents believing that they knew


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  • Year of the Cat
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