Alan Menken - Santa Fe Lyrics
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Alan Menken Singer Lyrics
Santa Fe Song Lyrics
Alan Menken
Song Title:
Santa Fe
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So that's what they call a family
Mother, daughter, father, son
Guess that everything you heard about is true
So you ain't got any family
Well who said you needed one?
Ain't you glad nobody's waiting up for you?
When I dream
On my own
I'm alone but I ain't lonely
For a dreamer night's the only time of day
When the city's finally sleeping
All my thoughts begin to stray
And I'm on the train
That's bound for Santa Fe
And I'm free
Like the wind
Like I'm gonna live forever
It's a feeling time can never take away!
All I need's a few more dollars
And I'm outta here to stay
Dreams come true
Yes they do
In Santa Fe
Where does it say you gotta live and die here?
Where does it say a guy can't catch a break?
Why should you only take what you're given
Why should you spend your whole life livin'
Trapped where there ain't no future
Even at seventeen
Breaking your back for someone else's sake
If the life don't seem to suit ya
How about a change of scene?
Far from the lousy headlines
And the deadlines in between
Santa Fe
Are you there?
Do you swear you won't forget me?
If I found you would you let me
Come and stay?
I ain't getting any younger
And before my dying day
I want space
Not just air
Let 'em laugh in my face
I don't care
Save a place
I'll be there
So that's what they call a family
Ain't you glad you ain't that way?
Ain't you glad you got a dream called
Santa Fe
Santa Fe Lyrics
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Pulitzer and Hearst, they think they got us..."
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