Alas - Absolute Purity Lyrics

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Artist: Alas
Alas Author
Album: Absolute Purity (2001)
Alas - Absolute Purity Album
Song Title: Absolute Purity
Genre: Gothic
Visits: 948
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Come enter my, realm of emotion
The deepest depths of my solidity
Come swim in my, rumbling ocean
This enormous mass of infinity

Why can't I fade, this pain away
Why can't I fell, strength within myself
How must I live to void away my discontent
What must I give, I shall consent

Absolute Purity
Grant me the clarity, to reign in this reality
Absolute Purity
I am what I'll always be, conquering the enemies

Weep so for my, grief overwhelms me
grievence that lasts an eternity
Weep as you shall, see what i see
the anguish of eternal sea

Why can't I make, my grief escape
Why can't I take, all of my dignity
How must I live to gain back all my stregnth and wit
What must I give I shall grant it

Absolute Purity
Grant me the clarity, to reign in this reality
Absolute Purity
I am what I'll always be, conquering the enemies

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Other Alas song Lyrics
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    I have heard, such cries, that linger on and on
    I have had, to witness, fear froma travesty
    I need, to express, this unbearable mass of pain..."
  • Quest Of Serenity
    "I am of the kind, of the divine
    I'll search till I find
    my visionary sights of sight
    I defy all the weak, the foul who now reek..."
  • Rejection Of What You Perceive
    "Why, how can this be, such ignorance and stupidity
    I defile, such denial, and rejection of my dejection
    You pitiful pions, I shall not reconcile
    I denounce your beliefs..."
  • Surmounting The Masses
    "Defeating opression, is my obsession
    Deleting the tyranny, erasing the fear in me
    Destined to receive, what I conceive
    Dishonor the majority, by my authority..."
  • ...Show All
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