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...And Death Smiled Song Lyrics
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I can catch rolls from outside
I'm here for a long time, setting in the dark
And lost again in my dreams...
Till my birth I was waiting, I was waiting for the final act
And tonight I will meet the greatness,
I've chosen to do all that's possible
To keep higher the flame of liberty
But my destiny was not to survive.
So, I'm ready but I still have questions...
Is it the right way?
Have I respected the rules?
And if, would it not be the last passage?
Tonight, the final act, tonight, on the way
Tonight... the return
Tonight, on the way with the gods
Tonight... the return
Tonight, tonight...alone and free!
Tonight, the final act, tonight, on the way
Tonight... the return
Tonight, on the way with the gods
Tonight, I'm on the way
Tonight, to the other side
I don't want to know... why?
It's all the same for me
Why?... don't believe in me
Why?... Please, look inside... You've already met me!
| ...And Death Smiled Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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