Alastis - Burnt Alive Lyrics

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Artist: Alastis
Alastis Author
Album: Revenge (1998)
Alastis - Revenge Album
Song Title: Burnt Alive
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 827
Print Version

Mirror of our future
Present in our past
Close to the beginning
Familiar to the end
She was open to the love
She was open to the truth
That's why she was tortured
That's why she was killed

Burnt alive, for your silence
Burnt alive, by your faith
Burnt alive, she had found
Burnt alive, she had said...truth

Give me a reason, give me a way
To believe in you
Now, show me your face, show me the path
To your deepest beliefs

Burnt alive, for your silence
Burnt alive, by your faith
Burnt alive, she had found
Burnt alive, she had said the truth

She was judged by your faith
She was killed by your hands
But the harm is already made
And I'll never forget it
I've seen the door and never forget your true face

So, give me a reason, give me a way
To believe in you
Now, show me your face, show me the path
To your deepest beliefs

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Other Alastis song Lyrics
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  • The Sign
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    Can you guess the coolness of stares
    Can you give blood for that
    Can you forget to keep control..."
  • Another God
    "Everyone knows me
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    Everyone respects me..."
  • Who Created The Gods?
    "They're afraid
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    Afraid of differences..."
  • Ghastly Fancies
    "While the minds sway to the unknown
    While the fears turn into bravery
    Good like evil doesn't mean anything
    The awake power has chosen its side..."
  • Existence
    "I force the gate to the ages to come
    I need to know how tomorrow will be
    Force the cage of time, the heaven's gates
    I need to believe in my destiny..."
  • Antidote
    "Seeing that you can't expect more from life
    Seeing that anger governs your acts
    Seeing that you can't accept the common rules
    Seeing that I'm your only chance to survive..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Revenge" album, click "Alastis Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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