Albert React - The Soundtrack To A Nightmare Lyrics

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Artist: Albert React
Song Title: The Soundtrack To A Nightmare
Visits: 816
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My knife has made its mark in your back
And its better when its dark and pitch black

So this is real yes we've Fallen
and with chemicals this nightmare ends
the preview has ended.

I've got you inside
under the sheets where you'll stay
I've got you inside
apart from the things I would say
But what does it mean not to change?
I've got you inside
[Second time through in backround]
(Theres nothing left for me to explain)

So this is real yes we've Fallen
and with chemicals this nightmare ends

I've got you inside
under the sheets where you'll stay
I've got you inside
apart from the things I would say

Theres nothing left for me to explain

So this is real yes we've Fallen
and with chemicals this nightmare ends
I've got you inside

The Soundtrack To A Nightmare Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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