Alchemist - Abstraction Lyrics

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Artist: Alchemist
Song Title: Abstraction
Visits: 863
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Help me!
I am watching atomic warfare from the safety of the moon
I am dancing sacrilegiously to sound of infectious tunes
There is no sunset, is no sunrise, things on Earth don't seem as they are
The opal planet I once called home is revolving a dying star

Awakening from crionic sleep I vacate my homely hemesphere
My soul travels on turbulent thoughts whilst my innards remain here
I feel pity for the ignorant one who leaves the egg but the shell remains
The severence of umbilical ties multiplys his deepest pains

Thought the eyes in my head I hear the purple flowers scent
Casting shadows in the shade
Lusting for the gates of jade
Though hallucinative wealth I can not comprehend myself
Sterility, fertility - the life that dwells inside of me

I often stop to wonder whilst gazing to the sky
Is there life beyond the quasars, will I find out when I die?
Is there a beeing out there who gaze into the night
And see our burning sun as a tiny spark of flight?

[Repeat verse one]

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