Alchemist - Escape From The Black Hole Lyrics

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Artist: Alchemist
Song Title: Escape From The Black Hole
Visits: 734
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Drawn towards, pull away.
Mass compressed, and escape.
Not knowing what the
threat has instore,
Don't ignore the warnings they gave.
It will try to tear us apart.
But in unity we are saved.
Ignorant and blind,
It threatens from afar.
No sense within it's mind,
It's seeking ways to justify.
And there's no cause to find.
It let's us know it's plans.
It's programmed to destroy.
It's torn apart with it's own hands.
Try to crush the seek that must grow.
Wishing on a strongers demise.
Thinking that you know all you know.
Encrypting the truth in it's lies.

Poised on the edge of your mindless plans,
Does the fear inside make the threat seem real.

Attractive, destructive, resist the gravitational force.
Appear as a lamb, revealed as a wolf,
Enticed by promises true and false,
Reactive, seductive,
Fate is simply running it's course.
Ignorant and blind, It threatens from afar.
No sense within it's mind,
It's seeking ways to justify.
And there's no cause to find.
It let's us know it's plans.
It's programmed to destroy.
It's torn apart with it's own hands.
Try to crush the seek that must grow.
Wishing on a strongers demise.
Thinking that you know all you know.
Encrypting the truth in it's lies.


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Other Alchemist song Lyrics
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  • Austral Spectrum
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  • Bangers
    "Yea! haha
    im here nigga
    G G G G G-UNIT!!!
    And im here to let these mothafuckas know..."
  • Beyond Genesis
    "The past is open,
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  • Bio Approach
    "Molten rock lays dormant, around a tiny star,
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    Traveling infinity, the rock and ice collides,
    Hostile possibilities, destruction bringing life...."
  • Brumal: A View From Pluto
    "Dwell on an eccentric orbit, plutonian hemisphere engaged
    in a mutual - eclipse. The sun just a bright star low in the sky.
    Rock and ice, the dark world under -
    Charon, where the light succumbs to dark...."
  • Chinese Whispers
    "Speaking my mind
    Single trail of thought
    Difference in the way we perceive
    Your ability to receive..."
  • Closed Chapter
    "Situated in the present alive in the
    moment of now separated from
    - gone but not forgotten what is meant..."

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