Alejandro Parreno - Hide (Si Los angeles Se Rinden) Lyrics

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Artist: Alejandro Parreno
Song Title: Hide (Si Los angeles Se Rinden)
Visits: 870
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We're in a room full of people and
you're talking to yourself again
til you find your closest friend the door
let's take a walk out into the sun
you say why the clouds will come
just like all the other times before

and how can you survive
on cigarettes and goodbyes
does it satisfy baby ?

*Don't go off and hide
so scared of what the world will find
I can help you if you need it
you may not care for love
you made it clear your mind's made up
but I can make your heart believe it

It will take your breath away
just try it you'll be amazed
it'll bring life to the dead
you just know without any proof
it turns lies into truth
it's the best medicine you can get

so won't you take my hand
before you slip back there
and get nowhere baby ?

*Don't go off and hide
so scared of what the world will find
I can help you if you need it
you may not care for love
you made it clear your mind's made up
but I can make your heart believe it

I make your heart believe it...
I can't watch you drown,drown
sink to the bottom like a stone so unaware
you're even going down,down
you do it so naturally

*Don't go off and hide
so scared of what the world will find
I can help you if you need it
you may not care for love
you made it clear your mind's made up
but I can make your heart believe it
I can make your heart believe it

Let's take a walk out into the sun
I know the clouds will come
but not like before

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    "nos conocimos una noche a media luz
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    cada centimetro de piel......"
  • Dime Si Lloras (Duo Con Chenoa)
    "Vuelvo a salir a media noche
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  • Donde Iran
    "d?nde iran, d?nde iran
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  • El Mundo A Tus Pies
    "No hay secretos,
    ni mas trucos de magia,
    que aprender de cada amor...
    Aqui abajo,..."

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