Alex Hood - Brumby Jack Lyrics

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Artist: Alex Hood
Song Title: Brumby Jack
Visits: 1914
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Here comes Brumby Jack
Bringin' the horses down the track
Hear him sing as he wheels them around
He keeps them together safe and sound

See the dust cloud on the plain
Hear the sound like falling rain
Flashing hooves and heads held high
As the wild bush brumbies gallop by

Here comes Brumby Jack
Bringin' the horses down the track
Hear him sing as he wheels them around
He keeps them together safe and sound

Stumpy, Billy, Silver Dan
Pickles Jim and Pelican
He has a name for every one
And when he calls they come at a run

Here comes Brumby Jack
Bringin' the horses down the track
Hear him sing as he wheels them around
He keeps them together safe and sound

He loves his wild bush friends so well
As many a farming man can tell
He'd never eat or go to bed
Till he's sure they've all been fed

Here comes Brumby Jack
Bringin' the horses down the track
Hear him sing as he wheels them around
He keeps them together safe and sound

From the mountain side to the distant plain
Here and there and back again
They roam the country wild and free
'Cause that's the way they want to be

Here comes Brumby Jack
Bringin' the horses down the track
Hear him sing as he wheels them around
He keeps them together safe and sound

Here comes Brumby Jack
Bringin' the horses down the track
Hear him sing as he wheels them around
He keeps them together safe and sound

Here comes Brumby Jack
Bringin' the horses down the track
Hear him sing as he wheels them around
He keeps them together safe and sound

Here comes Brumby Jack
Bringin' the horses down the track
Hear him sing as he

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