Alghazanth - Netherwordly Lyrics

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Artist: Alghazanth
Alghazanth Author
Song Title: Netherwordly
Visits: 720
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In a spectrum of darker fantasies
I absorbed the myriad auras
With delusions harnessed in twisted solace
The planets stepped down in pure homage

For each of time I have cast the dice
Beneath perfectly euclidean constellations
My face is lined with sol's demise
And agonised through His transformations


Virtuous is every sin to me
I master the crafts of dying
In all of its sordid serenity
I find life worth defying
My contempt is for those in a dead human shell


Harboured I became in the shelter of His name
Forever fedwith the ceremonial gloom
The wawes of inferno are my sword, suffering is my shield
The might of Hell is my guide on this endless slaughterfield

The omnipotent colours of Armageddon are scathing indeed
And the displayed, severed head of the nazarene
A skull undressed of all skin, isn't it ravishing?

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