Algorithm - Head Games Lyrics

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Artist: Algorithm
Song Title: Head Games
Visits: 838
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It all began with the crying of children

Searching the cold landscape for something to get the blanks filled in

Boiling temperatures had the paint on the walls peeling

The shit done hit the fan now maneur dripping off the ceiling

I directly below showered in excrement

Bitterly refusing the recommended daily dose of medicine

Bible scriptures just a play thing, making spitballs

out of the new and old testament

Immersed in a demented game of chicken with my own shadows

Screaming let my image go to the silhouette pharoah

He won't budge

I won't shake/ He won't move/ I won't escape

There's no judge, it ain't safe

I must soothe

These headaches

Unrest got me biting my fingernails down to the knuckle

Solitaire with a deck of cards unshuffled

My land lady provided me with a patch of leathery

flesh to keep my mouth muffled

I must repent I scuffle

with a couple

of heavy belt buckles

Whipping 'em across my back creating welts and sore muscles

It shall never cease until I cleanse my soul


A dozen picture frames picture frames shattered on the bathroom floor

A spouse who chose adultery over matrimony forever yours

Blood stains the tile

Tic Tac Toe style

My X won it all- The dog, the house, the cars, the

bank accounts, the kids and all the while

I'm slowly going down

the stairway to heaven like a slinky hellbound

I'm lost in a spiral defeated fetal position

A train of thought with an altered course headed for fatal collision

The jagged glass stepping stones as I hopscotch with wounded feet

Misery serenades me with tunes of mystique

Hide and seek

Enchanting isn't it

This damning dizziness

In a whirlwind twister raving and ranting silliness

The night the music stopped

and blind thieves with horns watched

and stared

As I wallow in self-pity and despair

No reason to keep up the pace but no place to take

five they've stolen my chair

The odd man out- I'm it tagging Jack daniels with alcohol abuse

I duck duck goose

a makeshift noose

hanging from the ceiling fan

Pinata loathing the tattered remains of a broken down family man

What went wrong, what was missing, I try to spell it out

The grief overwhelms I gotta yell it out

Pass out on a sofa bed couch

It'll be a new day tomorrow

I must suppress the sorrow

Or face the possibility of losing my profession

I'll do my best to counsel that dysfunctional family

during their next session

Head Games Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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