Alias - Watching Water Lyrics

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Artist: Alias
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Song Title: Watching Water
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Intake ambiance a tool for meditation

Progressing towards the clouds with at whom I am complete

Defeat the chains that restrain an eager sensation

Equal balance in and out, all inhibitions shall deplete


I'm trying to break this writer's cramp, massage my hand and daydream

Out the window innuendo, watch the water find it's path down the glass

It seems, erratic direction, it's only perfection

Rest my head inside my hands, pace back and forth inside my mind

I wish sometimes I wouldn't reminisce so much

such things, tend to make one reflect and dissect situations to an extreme

Hard now to redeem what was there before

No more gone are those days and ways have parted

Gone from feeling solid trust to outsmarted

Anyway, I'm now moving on to a distance far from yesterday

It's best this way

I feel as though I've missed this moment of truth

Outcome uneventfull. I've lost the ability to feel sentimental

I can stare at apuddle and see a million places I love

It's comforting thoughts of places I've been, places I will never see again

Send my love to all who were there, wishing I could crawl back in

But I've transformed and the pieces wouldn't fit, so the sorenecks will cease

Eyes searching to the sky to try to find some form of peace

And I keep pulling up blanks, yet I'm wearing this mask for the sake of others

We all miss things I suppose, we must let go, well I'm not ready

Just let me sit in silence and soak in what's trailing down the window

to cleanse my emotions, to begin the process of preparing myself

Intake ambiance a tool for meditation

Progressing towards the clouds with at whom I am complete

Defeat the chains that restrain an eager sensation

Equal balance in and out, all inhibitions shall deplete


I watch the drop join it's friends and become one with the crowd

All to well, forcing me to sigh out loud

Look into clouds, to envision, the inside of my head

I'm turing leave at this turning point. Remembering what they said

as they drove off one by one

they left taking pieces of me untill I felt empty inside

already looking forward to that day when I'd be returning

and I hadn'r even left yet

From then on I took the inside out approach

Granted lots of time to think when when your new position is coach

And your crew is sleeping the whole time, when it's 2:00 am in the morning

And you're in the middle of nowhere with the buzz of the AM radio

the only one that's there

Think a lot about life, that's where it all began for me

the more I thought, the more more I began to clearly see

absolutely every aspect of life in a new light

I figured out my Rubix Cube.. (haha) well I got it somewhat right

And things are coming together as I slowly come undone

And the occurence known as the "it" is swept under the rug

and now my burden weights a ton

But it only makes me stronger and I refuse to break

I'm letting things pass by, for the family's sake

Just give me a picture of the truth so I can hold it near

and watch the rainfall, syncopated with one lonesome tear

Intake ambiance a tool for meditation

Progressing towards the clouds with at whom I am complete

Defeat the chains that restrain an eager sensation

Equal balance in and out, all inhibitions shall deplete


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