Alice Donut - Mad Dogs on a Bone Lyrics

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Artist: Alice Donut
Song Title: Mad Dogs on a Bone
Visits: 742
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I guess it's liver again.
Can't you make some pork?
Have you heard of this animal called a pig ?

Watcha do to this pudding ?
My ulcer's starting to bleed.
This sludge's obscene - quick, get my gun!

I-i-i-i want that filth off my screen.
Degenerate game show pornography.

Mr. john birch is having troubles
Fulfilling his marital obligations.

God you're getting fat!
Can't you suck in that gut ?
Change the channel too, i wanna watch the news.

She threw the baby out the window,
Pervert on angel dust.
Liberal new york faggot scum atheist.

I-i-i-i sometimes dream:
I'm a dressed girl,
With ho chi minh,
In the prison yard.
Balls and chain.
Balls and chain.

Mad dogs on a bone.

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