Alice Donut - My Severed Head Lyrics

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Artist: Alice Donut
Song Title: My Severed Head
Visits: 809
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Spotlights gleam across a Star Search nation.
A million cries of"me" drown out the cruel frustrations of a normal life.
It's a different kind of thinking.
A whole new way of telling lies 'til they're true.
When you're waiting for the light.

And we're all waiting for the same light these days.
A job well done is not enough without a front page photograph.
Death comes quickly to the poor and obscure.
Booby prizes for the kind and unsure.
When they're standing in the light.

40 channels of a daydream stimulation.
Help me to forget myself and raise my expectations of a better life.
I'm ready to be special now.
Get what I deserve and shine for an hour.
Standing in the light.

And it would help if you could die.
(It's a tiny little world)
Something fast and tragic at an early age.
Guilty soon as you try.
(Teeny tiny little heroes)
Get a sense of history put yourself on the page.
It's an ugly sight.
(In a tiny ugly world)
When everybody's on the stage.

She's got a face to launch a thousand supersonic jets.
A waitress in another life, how easily she forgets.
Looks back with a sigh to simpler days.
She's not ungrateful, just caught up in the chase.
Still waiting for the light.

And it would help if you could die.
(It's a tiny little world)
Something fast and tragic at an early age.
Guilty soon as you try.
(Teeny tiny little heroes)
Get a sense of history put yourself on the page.
It's an ugly sight.
(In a tiny ugly world)
When everybody's on the stage.

Think of me.
(It's a tiny little world)
Watch what you do. Watch what you say.
Drink with me.
(Teeny tiny little heroes)
I'd be so grateful, if you could think of a way to pay.
Don't dream of me.
(In a tiny ugly world)
Have it any other way.

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