Alice In Darkland - The Cave (Aware of Not Existing) Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> A>> Alice In Darkland Singer Lyrics>> The Cave (Aware of Not Existing) Song Lyrics
Artist: Alice In Darkland
Song Title: The Cave (Aware of Not Existing)
Visits: 883
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Repetition of my behaviour

Is an everlasting course of scenes

That run after one another

Fixed points of a vicious circle

That I wasn't able to break

Of a schematic existence

As futile as my own behaviour

My life is a long journey

Through the desolate ways of time

A course of infinite sensations within myself

Companions of my destiny

Unrelenting and obscure omen of death

A sad certainty

The sole step of my existence

Which will make me alike those around me

I've ever lived without thinking about it

Jealously keeping within me

The phobia of what will happen

That morbid fear which day by day

Has worn out my thoughts

Rendering my life a slow agonizing suicide

Giving birth to my deepest anguish

Aware of not existing

Revelation of the obscure omen

Achievement of my destiny

Now I realize I've never really lived

I think over the infinity of things that I could have done

But my courage failed

Desires... never fullfilled

Dreams... never realized

Because of stupid fears

I feel I have thrown away a lot of time that was at my disposal

During the journey of my life

Into the obscure abyss of forgetfullness and depression

That journey which was not so long as I imagined

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    To escape from life
    Which like death..."
  • Universe
    "The sun is dying and the light with him as well
    Sadly embraced they drown far away
    The night rises again
    The dark mystery..."

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