Alice In Wonderland - Alice In Wonderland Lyrics

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Artist: Alice In Wonderland
Song Title: Alice In Wonderland
Visits: 860
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Alice in Wonderland

How do you get to Wonderland

Over the hill or underland

Or just behind a tree

When clouds go rolling by

They roll away and leave the sky

Where is the land behind the eye

People cannot see

Where can you see

Where do the stars go

Where is the crescent moon

They must be somewhere in the sunny afternoon

Alice in Wonderland

Where is the path to Wonderland

Over the hill or here or there

I wonder where

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Other Alice In Wonderland song Lyrics
  • A E I O U
    "A, e i o u, a e i o u, a e i o u, o,
    u e i o a, u e i a, a e i o u..
    how doth the little busy bee, improve each such
    Hmm! How doth the little crocodile..."
  • A Very Merry Un-Birthday
    "A very merry
    Unbirthday to you,
    To you, A very merry
    Unbirthday to you,..."
  • All In A Golden Afternoon
    "Little bread-and-butterflies kiss
    the tulips, and the sun is like a
    toy balloon. There are get up in
    the morning glories, in the golden..."
  • At The Banquet
    "To the looking class world,
    It was Alice that said
    I've a sceptre in hand,
    I've a crown on my head...."
  • Beautiful Soup
    "Beautiful Soup so rich So green,
    Waiting in a hot tureen
    Who for such dainties would not stoop.
    Soup of the evening..."
  • Caucus Race
    "Forward, backward, inward, outward
    Come and join the chase!
    Nothing could be drier
    Than a jolly caucus-race...."
  • Drinking Song
    "Then fill up the glasses as quick as you can,
    And sprinkle the table with buttons and bran,
    Put cats in the Coffee and mice in the tea
    And welcome Queen Alice with thirty times three...."
  • Duchess Lullaby
    "Speak roughly to your little boy and beat him when he sneezes,
    He only does it to annoy because he knows it teases.
  • ...Show All

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