Alice In Wonderland - The Walrus And The Carpenter Lyrics

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Artist: Alice In Wonderland
Song Title: The Walrus And The Carpenter
Visits: 886
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The walrus and the carpenter

Were walking cross the land

The beach was wide from side to side

But much to full of sand

"Mr Walrus," said the carpenter,

"My brain begins to perk

We'll sweep this clear and in a year

If you don't mind the work."

"The time has come," the walrus said,

"To talk of other things

Of shoes and ships and ceiling wax

Of cabagges and kings

And while the see is boiling hot

And wheather pigs have wings

Kaloo Kalay no work today

Were cabbages and kings"

Oysters, come and walk with us

The day is warm and bright

A pleasent walk

A pleasent talk

Would be a shear delight

(Yes and perhaps if we get hungery on the way

We coul stop and ah, have a bite!!)

But mother oyster winked her eye

And shook her weary head

She new too well it was much to soon

To leave her oyster bed

"The see is nice

Take my advice

And stay right here" mom said

The time has come my little friends

To talk of other things

Of shoes and ships and ceiling wax

Of cabbagges and kings

And while the sea is boiling hot

And wheather pigs have wings

Kaloo Kalay come run away

With the cabbagges and kings

Now ah, let me see

Ah!! A loaf of bread is what we cheerly need

(And how about some pepper, salt and vinagar?)

Ah yes yes of course of course

Now oysters dear, if you are ready

We shall begin the feed


Oh yes ah, the time has come my little friends

To talk of food and things

(Of pepper corns and mustard seeds

And other seasonings

We'll mix 'em all together

In a sauce that's made for kings

Kaloo Kalay we'll eat today

Like cabbagges and kings!!)

I, I wait for you I, oh excuse me

I deeply simplisize

For I've enjoyed you company

Oh much more than you realize

"Little oysters, little oysters??"

But answer there came none

And this was scarcly all because

They'ed been eaten



Were cabbagges

And kings!!!!

The End

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