Alice Martineau - Too Late Lyrics
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Alice Martineau Singer Lyrics
Too Late Song Lyrics
Alice Martineau
Song Title:
Too Late
Print Version
Tired and bruised
Made a fool of myself
Helpless and confused
You're laughing now with someone else
Our clothes are lying strewn about the floor
My nakedness reminding me I want you even more
But everywhere I go
And every time I know
Sometimes you've got to give into something real
I'm giving you the time
I used to think was mine
But who am I to tell you how you feel
Could it be too late now?
Is it safe now?
To take a little part of me
Could it be too late now?
Is it safe now?
'Cos I'm thinking about you
You gave your all
You were passionate and wise
Whenever you were loving me
I kissed you whilst I told you lies
What took you so long to understand it all?
Whats wrong or right
What may or might lie behind the wall
But everywhere I go
And everytime I know
Sometimes you've got to give into something real
I'm giving you the time
I used to think was mine
But who am I to tell you how you feel
Could it be too late now?
Is it safe now?
To take a little part of me
Could it be too late now?
Is it safe now?
'Cos I'm thinking about you
I've got this chilling feeling
Coming over me
My mind's exposed
I know it shows
But I'm gaining sanity
And tomorrow you will understand
I'm not trying to be
Anything but me
Could it be too late now?
Is it safe now?
To take a little part of me
Could it be too late now?
Is it safe now?
'Cos I'm thinking about you
Thinking about you
Thinking about you
It's not too late
It's not too late
Thinking about you
Thinking about you
It's not too late
Could it be too late now?
Is it safe now?
To take a little part of me
Could it be too late now?
Is it safe now?
'Cos I'm thinking about you
Could it be too late now?
Is it safe now?
Could it be too late now?
Is it safe now?
Too Late Lyrics
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I like to feel you..."
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