Alice Peacock - Bliss (Acoustic) F John Mayer Lyrics

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Artist: Alice Peacock
Song Title: Bliss (Acoustic) F John Mayer
Visits: 814
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Your touch is electric
I felt it the first time you held me
The way we connected
So easily
I've tried to define it
Searched for the perfect phrase
I've tried to describe it
In a million different ways

It's joy, it's ecstasy
It's truth, it's destiny
And even love is not enough
To tell you how you make me feel
There's only one word for this, oh

I've got to admit it
You took my heart by surprise
Don't know how you did it
But baby, I've never felt so alive

It's joy, it's ecstasy
It's truth, it's destiny
And even love is not enough
To tell you how you make me feel
There's only one word for this
It's bliss

Hey now that I know what the future holds
As long as you're here with me

Oh, it's joy, it's ecstasy
It's truth, it's destiny
And even love is not enough
To tell you how you make me feel, oh yeah

Cause it's faith, it's honesty
It's life, it's everything
To say our love is not enough
To tell you how you make me feel
(Show me how you make me feel)
It's in your smile, in your kiss
(Show me how you make me feel)
It's the reason that I exist
(Show me how you make me feel)
There's only one word for this
(Show me how you make me feel)
It's bliss
Yeah, it's bliss
This is bliss

Bliss (Acoustic) F John Mayer Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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  • SomeThingsGetLost
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