Alicia Keys - A Womans Worth Lyrics
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Alicia Keys Singer Lyrics
A Womans Worth Song Lyrics
Alicia Keys
Song Title:
A Womans Worth
Print Version
You could buy me diamonds
You could buy me pearls
Take me on a cruise around the world
you know I'm worth it
Dinner lit by candles
Run my bubble bath
Make love tenderly to last and last
you know I'm worth it
Wanna please
Wanna keep
Wanna treat your woman right
Not just dough
Better show
That you know she is worth your time
You will lose
If you choose
To refuse
To put her first
She will
and she can
Find a man who knows her worth
Cuz a real man knows a real woman when he sees her
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her
And a real woman knows a real man always come first
And a real man just can't deny
A womans worth
If you treat me fairly
I'll give you all my goods
Treat you like a real woman should
Baby, I know you're worth it
If you never play me
Promise not to bluff
I'll hold it down when sh*t gets rough
Cuz baby, I know you're worth it
She walks the mile
Makes you smile
All the while
Being true
Don't take for granted
The pbuttions that she has for you
You will lose
If you choose
To refuse
To put her first
She will
and she can
Find a man who knows her worth
Cuz a real man knows a real woman when he sees her
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first
And a real man just can't deny
A womans worth
No need to read between the lines spelled out for you
Just hear this song cuz you can't go wrong when you value
A womans (womans, womans, womans) worth
Cuz a real man knows a real woman when he sees her
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first
And a real man just can't deny
A womans worth
Cuz a real man knows a real woman when he sees her
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first
And a real man just can't deny
A womans worth
A Womans Worth Lyrics
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Other Alicia Keys song Lyrics
Piano And I
"Oh oh my goodness
I didn't know I was here
Alwayz got to try
No matter how long that shit take..."
"Yeah yeah what
Uhuh uh yeah yeah what
Your girlfriend
How Come You Dont Call Me
"I keep your picture beside my bed
and I still remember everything you said
I always thought our love was so right I guess I was wrong
always thought you'd be by my side papa now you're gone..."
"I keep on fallin?
In and out of love
With you
Sometimes I love ya..."
"Feels like the world is closin on me
Feels like my dreams will never come to me
I keep on slippin deeper into myself
And i'm scared, so scared..."
Rock Wit U
"Theres no escape from the spell you have laid
deep in my heart in my mind
foolish am i if i was to try
to ever leave you behind..."
Jane Doe
"Ay yo Alicia.
What's up Kandi?
Man, these Jane Does be killing me thinking they slick wit it!
TRU, Drop the beat!..."
bye bye
how do you love someone
that hurts you oh so bad..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Songs In A Minor" album, click "
Alicia Keys Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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