Alison Moyet - Invisible Lyrics

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Artist: Alison Moyet
Alison Moyet Author
Album: Alf (1984)
Alison Moyet - Alf Album
Song Title: Invisible
Genre: Rock: Pop-Rock
Visits: 798
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You've got me so confused and there's words I could use
But I'm afraid to say them
I feel I've been had and I'm boiling mad
Still I can't live without you
You don't have the time and you won't spend a di-i-hime
Not even to call me
Oh you don't know I exist and I wouldn't be missed
If I had the nerve to qui-it you

Invisible, I feel like I'm invisble
You treat me like I'm not really there-ere
And you don't really care
I know this ro-omance, It ain't goin' nowhere

Invisible (just like your love), you treat me like I'm invisible
When you get the need to flirt
You do the work, you just don't care how mu-uch it hurts

I can never reach ya on the phone
It rings and rings when I know you're ho-ome
It may be naive but I just wanna believe
I'm the only one, ay-ay
I tell myself lies and give you alibies
Knowin' your promises, you'll never keep
Like the merry go round I'm goin' up, going down
I'm on a dead end street

Invisible (just like your love), I feel like I'm invisble
You treat me like I'm not really there-ere
And you don't really care
I know this ro-omance, It ain't goin' nowhere
** The version from the album "Hot Women Of the 80s" ends here

Although I know it's not a lot
Don't want to lose whatever we've got
I keep hangin' on, knowin' I can't win
'Cause it's too hard to start over agai-ai-ain

Invisible, I feel like I'm invisble
You treat me like I'm not really there-ere
And you don't really care
I know this ro-omance, It ain't goin' nowhere

Invisible (just like your love), You treat me like I'm invisible
When you get the need

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Other Alison Moyet song Lyrics
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  • And I Know
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  • Getting into Something
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  • So Am I
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    You said I was sky and caught me anyway
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  • Satellite
    "Baby lose that frying pan
    You don't live to feed that man
    Nothing's gained through self denial
    'cause you weren't born to be servile..."
  • Ode to Boy
    "Ne me quitte pas
    Il faut oublier
    Tout peut s'oublier
    Qui s'enfuit dj..."
  • Ode to Boy II
    "when he moves I watch him from behind
    he turns and laughter flickers in his eyes
    intent and direct when he speaks
    I watch his lips..."
  • Love Resurrection
    "What can I do to make light of this dull dull
    What switch can I pull to illuminate the way
    Show me one direction..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Alf" album, click "Alison Moyet Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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