Alkaline Trio - Bleeder Lyrics

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Artist: Alkaline Trio
Alkaline Trio Author
Album: Goddamnit (2003)
Alkaline Trio - Goddamnit Album
Song Title: Bleeder
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 816
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You came to me like a dream
The kind that always leaves
Just as the best part starts
It ends so abruptly
And leaves you stunned and naked
In your bedroom all alone
It's kinda funny how something so soothing
Gets interrupted by the ring of a telephone

And you broke me like the cigarette
That I busted on the day I quit
But now that i've been drinking
I'm out of smokes and I wish that I had it
Woke up to my daily headache
And the realization that you are gone
Oh my sweet darling happiness
You've been away from me all along

One thing that I've never said-
I'm truly happy in my heart and in my head
A lonely liver suspended in liquid

You came to me like a dream
The kind that always leaves,
Just as the best part starts
It ends so abruptly
And leaves you stunned and naked
In your bedroom all alone
It's kinda funny how something so soothing
Gets interrupted by the ring of a telephone

One thing that I've never said-
I'm truly happy in my heart and in my head
A lonely liver suspended in liquid
It's one thing that I never did was smile
Missing a case - lacking a lid
My heart bleeds for what you never did
You never did
For what you never did
Never did
For what you never did
Never did, never did, never did
You never did, you never did

It's one thing that I've never said-
I'm truly happy in my heart and in my head
A lonely liver suspended in liquid
It's one thing that I never did was smile
Missing a case - lacking a lid
My heart bled for what you never did until now

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  • Sleepyhead
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  • Maybe Ill Catch Fire
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  • Tuck Me In
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    Tuck me into bed with snakes.
    Tuck me in with the tarantulas,
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    She told him how good that felt, told him he was the one...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Goddamnit" album, click "Alkaline Trio Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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