Alla Pugacheva - Song-Bird Lyrics

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Artist: Alla Pugacheva
Song Title: Song-Bird
Visits: 937
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When you watch the sky
You can see her fly in the middle of nowhere
There's no borderline in the song but smile, she's free
And the wind will always bring her
To a place she longs to see
And she longs to be
There she will sing
But where people walk and where people talk
There's always the confusion
They are strong and weak and they hide and seek the truth
They should take the garden leaves to the nest
That's from above speaking about true love for everyone
'cause we'll only be so fine when the day is gone

Fly, fly, the song-bird, fly
High in the twilight sky
Bring the song of peace over land and seas
Fly for the freedom, fly
High, high, the song-bird, fly
Take your song to the sky
Underneath that moon will appear your tune
Fly, little song-bird, fly

How I wish today
I could fly away over valleys and mountains
And a piece of luck and a simple song of love
And the wind will always bring me
To a place I long to see and where I long to be
There I will sing
Like a song-bird in the sky I spread my wings

Fly, fly, the song-bird, fly
High in the twilight sky
Bring the song of peace over land and seas
Fly for the freedom, fly
High, high, the song-bird, fly
Take your song to the sky
Underneath that moon will appear your tune
Fly, little song-bird, fly

Fly, fly, the song-bird, fly
High in the twilight sky
Bring the song of peace over land and seas
Fly for the freedom, fly
High, high, the song-bird, fly
Take your song to the sky
Underneath that moon will appear your tune
Fly, little song-bird, fly

Fly, fly, the song-bird, fly
High in the twilight sky

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