Allan Sherman - Automation Lyrics

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Artist: Allan Sherman
Song Title: Automation
Visits: 881
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(Alan Sherman)

It was automation, I know
That was what was making the factory go
It was IBM
It was Univac
It was all those gears going
Clickity clack, dear
I thought automation was keen
Till you were replaced by a ten-ton machine
It was a computer that tore us apart, dear
Automation broke my heart.

There's an RCA 5-0-3
Standing next to me, dear, where you used to be
Doesn't have your smile
Doesn't have your shape,
Just a bunch of punch cards and light bulbs and tape, dear
You're a girl who's soft, warm and sweet
But you're only human and that's obsolete
Though I'm very fond of that new 5-0-3, dear Automation's not for

It was automation, I'm told That s why I got fired and I'm out in
the cold How could I have known When the 5-0-3
Started in to blink it was winking at me, dear
I thought it was just some mishap
When it sidled over and sat on my lap
But when it said "l love you " and gave me a hug, dear
That's when I pulled out. . . its plug.

Copyright 1963 Curtain Call Productions
tune: Fascination
@computer @parody
filename[ AUTOMTN

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