Allan Sherman - If I Were A Tishman Lyrics

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Artist: Allan Sherman
Song Title: If I Were A Tishman
Visits: 794
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parody of "If I Were A Rich Man" from Fiddler On The Roof)

Oh, New York is changing.
Wherever you look,
Big tall buildings by Tishman
Tishman, ahh...

If I were a Tishman,
Yum di diddle didle doody didle diddy didy di
(Yum di didle)
All day long I'd buildy buildy build,
If I were a building man.

I'd build a lot of buildings,
Yum di didle doody deedle didle deedle didle dum
(Yum di didle)
Building buildings anywhere I wish,
If I were a Tishy Tishy Tish.

I'd build the 666 5th Avenue building
Right in the middle of the town,
One block wide and forty-eight stories high.
And I'd have eighteen elevators going up
And twenty-seven more going down,
All of them express to pass you by.
(Di diddle di)

I'd build a ladies room and also a mens room,
Right there on each and every floor,
Each one in a style that is apropos.
And like the restrooms in the best office buildings,
You'd need a key to open up the door,
Though who would steal a bathroom, I dunno!

Oh, if I were a Tishman,
Yum di diddle doidle didle dadle doodle deedle dum
(Yum di didle)
All day long I'd buildy buildy build,
If I were a building man.

I'd build a lot of buildings,
Yum di doodle dadle didle deedle didle dodle dum
(Yum di didle)
I could realize my life's ambish,
Raising rents whenever I would wish,
Telling tenants, "You can call me pish."
If I were a rich Tishman

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