Allan Sherman - Theres No Governor Like Our New Governor Lyrics

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Artist: Allan Sherman
Song Title: Theres No Governor Like Our New Governor
Visits: 733
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based on "There's No Business Like Show Business")

The man I chose to govern me
And twenty million others
Is not from Yale or Harvard,
He's from dear old Warner Brothers.

Yesterday they told him he would not go far,
Today in our state capitol we've stuck a movie star.

There's no governor like our new governor,
He sings, he dances, he acts.
He legislates our cares away,
We stand in line to pay our income tax.

There's no capitol like our state capitol,
It's lit up like Broadway.
And where our state house used to be,
They've got a big marquee that seems to say

He's a star, and he's thrilling,
And he's humble, and he's great!
And his agent said he was willing
To give equal billing to the name of our state.
It's in his contract.

There's no governor like our new governor,
He smiles when we are low.
(The governor of Michigan's a real nice Joe)
But no one's ever seen him on the late late show.
(There's governors all over who have college degrees)
Ah, but have they got their footprints down at Grauman's Chinese?
(There's governors all over in the newsreel pics)
Ah, but were they in "Gold Diggers of 1936"?

(There's no governor like our new governor)
Stupendous, colossal, gee whiz!
And if our state's a turkey and it fades away,
Our new governor's gonna say,
"Movie fans, we're all seceding from the USA!"
Well, that's show biz!

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